Taking a drive around Torquay you see the odd heritage or colonial style home with external shutters and even a few with faux shutters – the kind that are permanently fixed to the outside of the house for aesthetic purposes. Shutters help provide a contrasting colour and a little architectural feature to the home: white with black shutters, gray with white shutters or green with a contrasting green. A few have matching window boxes with red geraniums giving the home a real old-world charm.
I recently read a blog that said how practical shutters are in Rome where air conditioning is very expensive. They are used in summer to block out the heat of the sun during the hottest parts of the day. Many modern homes in Torquay are designed without eaves or verandas meaning that the sun shines right into the windows heating the glass and the home. We then rely on air conditioning to cool our home leading to big bills and environmental issues!
Summer wasn’t too bad last year but this one is forecasted to be sweltering! We have plenty of shutters that have been designed to suit modern homes without compromising the sleek aesthetics. Phone us at Champion Blinds, we are happy to show you samples of our Torquay shutters so that you can keep cool without breaking the bank this summer.